Over time, computer hard drives can fail or crash. One of the most common causes is a computer virus that possibly corrupted or damaged system your computer. There are ways to resolve this situation and repair a hard drive “harde schijf reparatie” that is locked.


  • Searching for signs that your computer is crashing or fail. Extremely slow, repeated occurrences of blue screens and sometimes noises or clicks are symptoms that indicate that your computer hard disk will fail. When you hear the sound of clicks, squeaks or rubbing, immediately turn off your computer. Doing this will prevent you from losing information.
  • Turn off and turn on the computer. Sometimes locked hard disks can be recovered easily by turning off the computer. Then, after waiting a couple of minutes, turn it back on. It is possible that the initial hard disk locking is not too important, but if it occurs frequently, it begins to make a full system backup.
  • Make sure your hard drive and other internal components are connected correctly. If Step 1 and 2 do not work, you may have to open the case of your computer to check some of the connections of the unit. The symptom appears as if the hard drive had been blocked, giving you a message of “disk error” when you try to start the computer. First, turn off the computer and unplug it. Then remove the cover of your computer cabinet. Press each connector to plug properly. Replace the cover, connect the computer and turn it on again.
  • Enter your boot disk and try to start your computer using the disc. Once you’re done, you can reinstall your operating system. After you install your software proceeds to perform information retrieval using your Ghost CD or backup.
  • Uses an emergency repair disk to get your computer working again.
  • Reinstall your operating system using the installation CD or System Restore that came with your computer when you bought it. This will take you through a series of steps, including formatting your hard drive, which will erase all your information. Do this as a last resort.
  • Reinstall the apps that did not come with your computer when you bought it. Some examples include Adobe PhotoShop, antivirus and video editors.

Visit or call at +32.3.772.22.36 for computer repair or hard disk recover.